L:O To research the history, companies and regulators in the television industry. 

Publicly owned Tv channel - Channels which the publicly don't have to pay for. 

Commercial Tv channel - focuses on entertainment, like soap operas, dramas, game shows and reality tv

Convergence - The process by which computer devices and digitalisation bring together various media technologies 

Watershed - Designed to prevent children from seeing unsuitable content 

Segmented market - dividing your target market into approachable groups

mainstream - what is viewed by most people in society as "normal"

self-regulating - the ad industry has voluntarily established and paid for its own regulation 

Franchise - When an established business allows a third party the right to operate using their trade-name 

channel surfing - change frequently from channel to channel

PSB - Public broadcasting service

TV License - the payment required for the reception of a tv or owning one.

scheduling - To plan and arrange something at a certain time

Conglomerate - A large company made up of various smaller companies 

1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

2. To support learning for people of all ages

3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services

4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world


Do now                                                                                                                       11/01/23

The 1960s 

L/O: Research the social, historical and political context of the avengers 

- The most famous bands were The Beatles, The rolling stones, The beach boys and The Kinks 

- The political party that was in power was the Wilson government and the PM was Harry Macmillan 

- Illegal drugs were a big part of the culture in the 60s

- The Vietnam war was a major war being fort 

- People were protesting about women's liberation and the civil rights movement 

- Birth control was developed in the 1960s 

- The cold war was an ongoing political rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union and their allies

- There was a nuclear scare where there was confrontation was the closest the cold war came to escalating

into full nuclear war 


The avengers 1965

1. ITV were the institution that created The avengers 

2. The main target audience was a mainstream adult audience 

3. 7th January 1961 was when the first episode was aired 

4. It had 6 seasons

5. The last time it was aired was in 1969

6. The budget for series 4 was £56,000 per episode  

Had much higher budget then the third series due to having a £2 million deal with Abc. This then

 improved the production

The avengers aired on Saturdays at 9:05pm, attracted an audience of 7 million people 

- John Steed and Emma peel are the main characters 

- They are spies

- They get into a fight with guards 

- They escape from them at the end of the episode 

- The underground bunkers of the airport had secret agents and organisations in 

- The spies are trying to investigate suspicious activity from a submarine with guards who look Russian 


The avengers; Extract analysis 

L/O; To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract 

Camerawork - 

hand held camera

camera angled specifically so that the audience can see the antagonists enter the scene which emphasises the danger --

Mise en scene; 

Costume - The spies clothing was different

 to everybody else's, they were more sleek 


Graphic match


Cutting on action is when there is a cut and change in camera angle/placement in 

the middle of an action. 

A cut away is when there is a quick cut to a completely different scene 

A cross cut is often used to show different places at the same time, often with phone call scenes

Jump cuts are showing the same scene but jumping in time

Match cut/graphic match is when there is a cut in a scene but both the scenes are matching together

either by an action or an object

Transitions are used to either pass time, or to show the differences and similarities of scenes

they have used a cut away in this scene when the detective was talking to the Bartender about where Emma Peel

is, it cuts from a scene of them talking to a zooming in scene of Emma peel's bag, this shows the detectives 

perspective and shows the audience that the bartender is lying. 

Parallel sound is when the sound matches the scene

Contrapuntal sound is when the sound does not match the scene

Contrapuntal sound - dogs barking,

music - Church organ when priest pulls out the glock

They have used non diegetic chior music in the scene when Emma peel is with the priest and 

then the music stops halfway through the conversing which intensifies the scene and makes the 

audience focusmore on the scene.

Cuffs & audience appeal

L/O; To analyse the appeals of Tv drama 

-Which characters can we identify in each role?

-How do the audience see our characters 

-How can a propp fit in a series opposed to a film

The hero: DS JO MOFFAT 

The villain: 

The donor:

The helper:

The princess:

The princess' Father:

The dispatcher:

the false hero: 

Audience appeals (U&G)

Personal identity; People may feel they relate to some characters as they could have similar backgrounds, beliefs ect. 

Information; Learn things about the police force

Entertainment; distraction, audience get engaged 

Social interaction; you could watch it with people, talk to people about it

1. A women is a police officer
2. There is a gay male as a police officer
3. Females have an important role in the police department 


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