
 L/O: To explore possible tasks and research similar products 

All the websites include a person on the front or something to do with health such as food.
The colour scheme is bright in the pictures of foods showing fresh foods and the fitness pictures are quite a dark colour scheme to show determination and sharpness.
There is a few different fonts used in each website cover, for instance the title will be bold and big letters.


Initial planning for website 
Website aim - guide on how to live healthy and fit
Name - 

22nd June 2023
Adobe illustrator

L:O To create content that meets the set brief by creating 

Statement of intent
The target audience of my website is young people, specifically teenagers, who play football and are trying to maintain good fitness and health or even improve it.
My magazine name, Fitness Form targets this audience because first of all the name is quite catchy because it is alliteration, also the word form is a commonly used word in football so this catches the attention of footballers, also form is a word used widely in fitness in generally for how consistently someone can maintain a good level of performance. This will target an audience that are into football and/or fitness.
Some of the things I discovered whilst researching other websites was that most the websites was that most of them were simplistic 


Coursework review
L:O To recap brief criteria and to explore how to create effective representations 

My cover will follow the conventions
by having an image which will fit the genre of my website.

My linked page is gonna be about different ways to keep your fitness level high for enough for football.

The genre of the website will be made clear because all the images and context will link into the genre of the website

The website will be aiming at young adults or teenagers who want to improve their football and fitness and fitness and lifestyle which will be beneficial for football, such as different exercises and diet which is beneficial to become a better and fitter footballer

To do list:
Write article 
Find images or/and videos
Create website 


1. Become consistent 
2. Tips from professionals on how to improve

2/11/23 tips
2. reviews
3. interview
4. how to
5. guides

Article writing
L/O; To create a convincing article for a teen health & fitness magazine/website using appropriate language tone and representation

1. Information 
2. sub-headings
A footballer exercising
Article is about how to become more fit and healthy aiming to improve football game
Images will be of footballers
The font of the title will be different to the font of the sub heading and the information 
I will use subheadings such as :Max out consistency 
Fit and healthy footballers 


    Very little - not enough!


    A good start - which logo are you using?
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens specifically.


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