Music industry

 Monday 12th September 2022


LO: to research the radio industry 

commercial radio: Commercial broadcasting is primarily based on the practice of airing radio advertisements and television advertisements for profit. 

public service radio: television and radio programmes that are broadcast to provide information, advice, or entertainment to the public without trying to make a profit: The channel is trying to reduce its obligations to produce public service broadcasting such as religious programmes.

commercial: programmes funded by revenue of adverts and sponsors. example: itv 

public service: programmes that are for the publics benefits and no adverts ad no sponsors: BBC 

commercial radio: 

Pirate FM:

music - pop/charts: 80s music



news: minute silence held at 8pm on sunday

WWW - music and news

EBI : adverts 

Monday 26th September 2022

PSB radio

LO. To research the radio industry

What does the term Public service broadcasting mean? 

it is a broadcasting company who is funded by the public and government fund and doesn't get their funds from commercials.   

Homework: there is local news and also big news, its all upbeat and fast, they play alot of different songs and have different djays who do different songs, The presenters seem happy and upbeat


Case study Raye

LO to research the case study and artist research

Raye: 24 year old British singer, born in southwest London. 

She sings in usually dance/electronic music

won brit awards


BBC radio and audiences

this tells us about public broadcasting services and how they work

1.The BBC own many radio stations, 10 radio networks and over 50 local radio stations.

2.5 tax


5.pirate fm, heart, kiss

radio 1's audience: 15-29 

radio 2's audience: all age groups over 35 

radio 3's audience: 6-12 year olds

Monday 28th November

Live lounge appeal and format


The BBC protect the under 18s by ensuring that there is no swearing before 9pm

-pre warn, may contain e.g. festival set by black eyed peas,

-news, content, suicide, assault, next 4 mins will discuss younger listeners turn off. 

The benefits of broadcasting on two radio stations, is that more people listen to it then as its two different stations and they might both have different things on them and play stuff at different times. 

Charlie hosted the breakfast show at Kiss with Rickie Haywood-Williams and Melvin Odoom for ten years, where they were known as Rickie, Melvin and Charlie.

They have all won awards, they have presented with each other for years

What is the audience appeal of the live lounge?  

Personal identity, the audience being able to relate to the presenters, interest in music, identify with the artist,
Information - background information about the artist and upcoming events 
Entertainment. The audience can enjoy the music.
The liv lounge appeals to the audience because of how people can relate him so how they 

9th January 
Live Lounge appeal and format 
BBC R1 Remit. It has a Live lounge, live music, professional back ground singers,15-29
year olds, entertain young listeners.  
How does the live lounge appeal to the target audience and meet the bbc remit

What could you include? Who the audience are
Who are the audience?
How is the audience appealed to?
What is the remit?
How is the remit met?
What evidence from the show could you use to answer your answer?

The live lounge appeals to the audience by having younger presenters who are probably more relatable to the younger audience which they target. Their remit is to have listeners from the ages 15-29, most likely going through school or college ect.  An example of this is they brought on an up and coming artist named self esteem, they let her play a couple of her songs and say a few things about herself almost being able to promote herself in a way

Question 1.
a)Tent pole production - Conglomerate a large corporation formed by the merging of separate and diverse firms: a media conglomerate. For example: BBC 
b)-  Bauer Media owns radio stations as well as magazines. Identify the word that describes adding other areas business in this way. diversification  
c) Identify one method of funding for BBC Radio 1. Tv license funds the BBC

Question 2. Explain one way that radio stations target their audiences. Use the Radio 1 Live Lounge as an example in your answer: 
a)Radio stations target audiences by having a certain genre about it, such as the music they play, which can attract a certain audience. For example if they have young presenters or young artists it will attract young people as they can relate to them.

b)They meet the requirements of the PSB by the presenters not using explicit or inappropriate language until late at night and its the same with the music, they wont play songs with explicit language until late at night.

c) Radio audiences are passive because they are just listening to the radio they aren't interacting with it, however sometimes they do make the radio interactive making the audience active with the radio by making quiz games for prizes ect. 

Question 3. -BBC provides a wider range of content than commercial radio for several reasons.
-Firstly Radio 1 provides...
-This example is due to the remit and in particular...
-We can identify thus un the live lounge through...

BBC radio has to provide a wide range of content is because it is the radio which is funded by the public meaning they have to give back to the public. This means they need to have a wide range of content so that their are many different audiences to target meaning they will have more people listening the BBC radios. An example of this is BBC Radio 1 Live lounge, As this is extra content provided by the BBC so that the audience has more things to listen to and makes it alot more interactive. This extra content gives the radio a much bigger audience because some people might like the extra content they have meaning they have a higher amount of audience.



things i expect to see in a music video- 
person singing
narrative that matches song genre 
playing instruments
urban location

LO; to explore this section of the unit and research chosen case studies

Avril Lavigne "Sk8er Boi"
Wheatus "Teenage Dirtbag" 


LO: to examine the use of media language in music videos 
-hair & makeup
-performance: positioning, facial expressions,body language 
They used this costume because it has a soldier camo colouring on it which has connotations to being brave and being a soldier 

In this video it shows wealth and happiness, it does this by the clothes they're wearing, it's designer and luxury which shows the wealth, it also shows this by them being in what looks like a very posh hotel as the walls are gold and have luxury. 

She is laying in a bath with lots of jewellery in it and the tap is made out of gold
Mise en scene Sk8ter boi; 
-Guy with the piercing which suggests he is in the rock/punk genre as it is trendy in that culture

-The girl is throwing a devil sign which signifies rebellion and punk


Work lost when refreshed.

The two music videos i have studied use setting and costume effectively because they show and fit the genre of the song, For example in Sk8ter Boi Avril Lavigne is wearing studded bracelets which are stereotypical to the punk/rock genre. And in Teenage dirtbag the main character in the video is dressed quite strangely and different to everyone else to imply he is a nerd.


LO; To explore how camerawork is used to create meaning in music videos.

The connotations of this setting is that everything is red which could suggest either love or death,this could mean she's singing about these things. 

 Shot name - low angle, close up. 
    Why used? - to show the camera recording Avril Levigne
     Why used here? -To show she's the focus
3 - Shot name - Long shot.
     Why used? To show he's by himself
     Why used here? - So it shows what the character is going through
4- Shot name: High angle, 
    Why used? - To show all the people around her
    Why used here? To show she is the main focus.
5- Shot name - Mid/Wide shot
    Why used - to have the focus on the guy
    Why used here? - to show the guy in the middle is the main guy
6- Shot name - Extreme close up
    Why used? - to show she is singing
     Why used here? To have effect.

Sk8ter Boi - Frantic
Teenage dirtbag - Steady 
The camera movement in Sk8ter Boi is expressionistic, For example, at one point in the video it has a slow motion shot which is very steady, The camera work fits the theme of the song because it is meant to be filmed like a movie. 


Objectification The action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object.

Avril Lavigne - Rebellious, doesn't follow the rules, she isn't mainstream 
Punk rock genre - not very mainstream, break the rules, appeals to teenagers
Teenagers - Teenagers are represented as rebellious and quite alt.
Urban setting - Urban setting fits the punk/rock stereotypes.
Gender - Avril Levigne didn't really fit the typical female stereotype as she wore quite casual clothes and wasn't presenting herself as a glamorous female.
Ethnicity - Not many other ethnic people are shown in this but that could be to do with the punk/rock culture is mainly a white culture.
Sexuality - Storyline is about a straight relationship

The band - casual, immature, funny,informal 
The male & female protagonist - stereotypical teenagers
Ethnicity - Mainly white 
High school - The different levels of status are clearly shown
Teenage stereotypes - quite informal 
Gender - people fit their gender stereotypes 
Sexuality - implies heterosexual in the video.


Teenage dirtbag:
How is love represented? its represented as difficult for the "nerd"
Which sexuality is represented?  Heterosexual
How are teenagers represented? Not that nice to each other
How are women presented? As the prize 
How is ethnicity in the US presented? Predominantly white
How are the artists presented? Quite informal and funny
What teenage values are celebrated? Being sporty and fit and also being young
What stereotypes are used? Women are seen as the prize and the boys are seen as sporty and attractive

Sk8ter boi
How is love represented? Quite dramatised 
Which sexuality is represented?  Heterosexual
How are teenagers represented? Rebellious 
How are women presented? Seen as the prize and attractive
How is ethnicity in the US presented? Predominantly white
How are the artists presented? Young, Informal, Rebellious 
What teenage values are celebrated? Being young, Being creative, Being active
What stereotypes are used? Boys are athletic and active

L/O To explore and practice exam style questions                                                                       20/4/23

4 mark question 

Compare how gender representation are constructed in music videos. Refer to the two music videos you have studied to support your answer. 
Gender stereotypes are challenged in Sk8ter boi because Avril Levigne is not being shown for her body or as an object, She also isn't wearing stereotypical feminine clothes, such as baggy non revealing clothes. Where as in Teenage Dirtbag the main girl in the video is being shown more as an object and more feminine as she is wearing a dress and has feminine makeup on.

 10 mark question 

Explain how stereotypes are used in music videos. Refer to the two music videos you have studied to support your answer.  10

Music producers use stereotypes because they are very easy for an audience to recognise and therefore, identify characters. In Sk8ter Boi, They use a teenage rebel stereotype. We see teenagers doing lots of rebellious things like: graffitiing walls, abseiling down buildings and set up an illegal street concert. This shows a lack of respect to laws and rules and fits the rebel stereotype usually associated with teenagers. However some of the stereotypes are challenged as Avril Levigne is not represented is a stereotypical female. This is because she is not wearing revealing or fancy clothes which is usually associated with women but is wearing baggy clothes which fit with the skater stereotype.
In Teenage dirtbag stereotypes are also used so that the audience can understand the video better. They have the "Jocks" In certain jackets, in a large group and looking athletic and everyone seeming to like them and then they have the "nerd" in certain clothes that aren't seen as fashionable and making him seem out of place. They also make the girl in the video quite stereotypical as she is wearing quite a revealing fancy dress and has makeup and also she is made to look as liked by others as she is with other people and smiling making it seem to the audience she is popular and feminine. 

Music video

- Camerawork - All angle shots (Low, High, Carted, Arial)
- Editing
- Mise en scene
- Sound



  1. 12/9- Good work from today, please screen shot your notes from pirate fm and place the image of it on your blog.

  2. 26/9. You need to add the work from today to your music industry page, your notes on Radio are very good.

  3. 14/11- You need to add your work from today, is this on the wrong page? You did some excellent work today. Please make sure it is on this page. T: 1: explain how Radio 1 protects under 18s.

  4. 9/1- T2. You need to make sure you follow the structure to respond to the question that covers: the audience appeal, the example from the Live lounge, explain how it appeals to the audience, how it meets the remit.

  5. 6/2- T Q3: Cover how and why R1 provide a wider range of content.

  6. 27/3- You need to add your Music magazine page to the visible section on pages. T1: In your research try to add more information about the representations of artists and their dress, appearance, accents, language, behaviour.

  7. 22/5- absent please read through the page on my blog for the missing music magazine lesson, your page is still not visible.


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