Lights camera action

Monday 22nd November

L.O, To explore the use of setting and colour in films

Setting and colour


1. a director might set a scary ominous setting in an isolated rural house

2. the director would set this because cities are the most action filled and busy places, where as if it was in the country side there would barely be any action as no ones around.

3. A town by the seaside for the romance side and also maybe because there are many comedic things that can happen by the sea, 

Setting and Colour

1. Cities, modern science fiction buildings, safaris. 


sound in film.

LO. to explore the use of found in films.

1 Horror - screaming, 
2. Action film - shooting, 
3. Thriller - tense music, 
4. Comedy - laughing
5. Science fiction - 

Diegetic - sounds you would hear if you were in the scene
                 e.g someone speaking,footsteps,music on a radio.

 The matrix


Foley is the most of the sounds you hear on a film added after filming.

-dog barking and panting
-mum talking
-boy talking
-sound of the tv
-opening blinds
1. yes
2. suspense
3. different scenes 
4. changing the scenes
5. a fight
6. Yes
7.They talk and depend on the actor
8. Fighting sounds
9. Yeah
10. footsteps and punches


1. the settings and props used are old fashioned and posh
2. their costumes are corresponding to eachothers and old fashioned
3.facial expressions are quite serious

Alot of modern like buildings with modern looking metals ect, alot of futuristic outfits.

Video clip.

Shaun of the dead
Game sounds, dialogue, emphasis on breathing, kettle boiling, mirror squeaking, spreading jam

the plan
we are going to make sounds of footsteps- shoes raindrops- pencil tapping and a squeaky chair  


Disaster movies

chernobyl is a disaster film where a nuclear power plant explodes leaving the near by city Pripyat

Dont look up
Dont look up is a dark comedy/disaster about a world ending meteor hitting earth but no one believes the scientists who were right all along

911 is about a true story when the most notorious terrorist attack ever when two planes were hijacked and flew into the world trade centre in New York

1. male
2. chernobyl, 911
3. chernobyl - human disaster
    dont look up - space disaster 
    911 - terrorism
4. chernobyl 
5.chernobyl - fight it and escape
    dont look up - fight it and escape
    911 - escape

Disaster film

1.Quandale dingle ia an ordinary guy with a wife and two kids and he works 9-5 as a manager and one day he needs to stay after worl to hold a meeting with his work pals, after the meeting everyone leaves and its just quandale and the co manager (gav), its 11 o clock at night at this point nd they go and get coffee before they go home and whilst theyre walking there thy no clip through thr floor into the backrooms.
3. Gav - colleague/friend to Nigal
    - Nigels wife
   Quandale zoi - his son
4. Edward gonna die


My Disaster movie 

1. main characters - man, mum, kids, soldiers, president
2. the setting is based in the USA, however it shows bits from all over the world.
3. trying to save the world
4. planes, cars, debris
5. sky is dark but the land is bright because of the explosions and fires.
6. The narrative is that in 2012 the world is hit by life threatening natural disasters of the largest proportion and a man and his family try to stay safe as they work with the government to stop it. .

The tunnel
1. -man, women, family, firemen
2. norway in the mountains 
3. try to save everyone in the tunnel.
4. tanker blew up tunnel
5. blue, black, orange
6. girl goes on coach and it goes through a tunnel and theres a tanker that explodes and her dad tries to save her.

Ad astra
1. man, astronaut, women, government
2. based in space, Usa and whole world
3. trying to save the planet by destroying the astroid
4. Rockets, space suits
5. Blue, black, white, purple
6. astronauts try to stop a world ending astroid. 

1. Theres a group of friends that live in Nevada in the USA, one night they all escape and all get on their bikes and ride to a secret government place which no one is allowed to go into but there is theory's that there is dodgy stuff going on in there. They find something and accidentally let it out of where it was being kept, that was a big mistake.
2. 90s in nevada
3. The characters would have 90s styled clothes on and the mood of the film will be quite laid back at first and then there will gradually be more disaster.
4. the shots would be tripod shots and the colours would be quite faded but also colourful in parts.

Equilibrium: everything in the film world is normal (not necessarily good, but is not normal)
Disruption: something happens ( 


Starring Quandale Dingle (John Cena) and his colleague Gav (Dwayne Johnson), A normal stroll at night to costa turns into a life changing event as they no clip into an alternate universe. They try their best to escape the almost infinite levels.

"Im hungry" - looking around the kitchen
- stroppy because they cant find anything



2. "ive lost the cat" - worried
- looking for their cat

Infront of exit door in the backrooms                    
 Quandale dingle is walking with gav 30 Minutes into being in the backrooms and they stumble across an exit door.
                   QUANDALE DINGLE
         -"Where do you think this goes?"
          -"im not sure, do we go in?"

Homework: Equilibrium: A cursed family being haunted 
Disruption: many years later the curse carries into a family that mmove into a new hous
Recognition of disruption: They realised theyre being haunted when the daughters are seeing things
Attempt to solve: they get professional spiritists to try and help them.
New equilibrium: The disruption is solved because thee spirtist saved them by killing the spirit.

6 jobs, Directing, Camera man, actors, voice actors, animator , editor

Gaffer; The Gaffer, or Chief Lighting Technician is the head of the Lighting Department on a film set. They work in pre-production and production to help achieve the desired cinematic image through setting up lights and running cables.

Pre productionthe process of planning some of the elements involved in a film, television show, play, or other performance,Pre-production ends when the planning ends and the content starts being produced. 



film distribution - is the process of making a movie available for viewing audience, exhibition, cinema the home viewing

Movie marketing

1. Trailer
2. poster
3. actor teaser 
4. bus advertising
5. advertisment on mcdonalds 

1. on buses, advertisment boards, in commercial resturauts like mcdonalds
2. trying to target a certain audience, e.g, putting an animated film for kids on a happy meal.
3. The release date, the actors and a couple spoilers, and a quote about the film. 

1. They all use quite futuristic metalic fonts.
2. Colour pallatte is usually dark, blue
3. Images of the disaster happening
4. Actors can appear multiple times in different disaster movies since its what they're good at.\

The poster suggests that the film is about a natural disaster, and the tagline tells us a lot about the film by saying "We were warned"  this suggests that the film has someone who tries to warn the people/ government and they didn't listen or believe them. There is an atmosphere in the poster to show it being dark and has fire in it which gives a scary, dangerous atmosphere. This suggests it'll be a disaster movie because the world becomes dark and the fire shows it aswell. 

Homework:  minions started from despicable me and the minion franchise did so well they made multiple films, the director is Kyle Balda. it was produces by illumination and it was distributed by universal. It would have been distributed by being advertised and trailers beng shown.

Monday 4th July.


  1. 21/3- Great ideas for your work, T 1. More detail in the ending of your storyline:
    2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  2. 4/7- 1: Make sure that you have all the elements on your poster: Main Image
    Credit Block
    Actor names/director name
    Release date


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