Music Magazine

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 Music Genres 

LO: To identify and explain different music genres.

Genre = Type 

1. Country - Hat, Jeans, Belt, Tanned, 30s, guitar, some facial hair

2. Rock - Foo fighters, Long hair, Leather jackets, jeans, Facial hair, 30s/40s

3. Pop - colourful hair, dresses, makeup, 20s 

Rock,Pop, Punk, Rock-punk, Alt, Alt-rock, Drill, Rap, Underground rap, 

RockRock music, also called rock and roll, rock & roll, or rock 'n' roll, is a form of popular music that emerged in the 1950s and is defined as “a form of music with a strong beat”—it is difficult to be much more explicit about it. 

Rock is very loud and quick tempo, Alot of the singers sound quite angry and aggressive, Rock fans and rock artists usually have similar style of clothes and hair such as long hair.

Pop - Pop music is very mainstream and up beat, In pop songs they sing a lot about love and relationships, this is probably because a
lot of people can relate to the songs which makes them so popular. Usually wear bright colours.

Underground rapUnderground hip-hop (also commonly known as indie hip-hop or underground rap) is an umbrella term for hip hop music that is outside the general commercial canon. It is typically associated with independent artists, signed to independent labels or no label at all.

Underground rappers usually start off on sound cloud with a small fanbase and slowly expand

Some underground artists are; Yeat, Playboi carti, Destroy lonely, These artists have a very fast tempo of music which is unique sounding to the artists and have their own trademark styles. Yeat has his own very unique style which is what got him his fame.

Yeat lyrics -

I want Bentley, I want money 

I want Bentley, I want money

I want Bentley, I want money

I walk in they want my moneyAll they want is something from meGot this motherfuckin' moneyI got millions, I got moneyI'm in this muhfuckin' drop top, big cat, drop top, bitch I'm swerving the cat (ah)Woo, yeah (ah)Bih' want my money, I said "Yeah, that's something funny"I done told you, I got moneyI got a whole lotta shit that's comingI gone crazy, I got this money

A lot of modern underground rappers rap about their success but also sometimes the struggles they went through to get their success.


Question 1. OFCOM


Question 3.  Availability of programmes, Different music, Local competitions 

Radio one is a public service radio so there aim is just to benefit the public and not to make money like commercial radios such as Pirate FM. Radio 1 target a specific audience because they have different stations to target different people in categories such as age. For example Radio 1 target a younger audience from 15-29 and they do this by playing current music and being modern and up to date. 

Question 6. BBFC

Question 7. To strength the movie as a brand, For fans to enjoy the video game as they are fans of the film.

U+G Personal identity Information Entertainment Social interaction 

Personal identification: viewers may identify with characters - this feeling of being a 'nobody' or 'following the crowd' of fighting against the system of being different (wyldstyle). Or already established characters such as the superheros.


MOJO Magazine audience

Genre: Rock

Publisher: BAUER

Target audience: Rock fans (20-45)

Circulation: niche

Brand: Has high recognition and highly valued 

LO: To explore and define the magazine's target audience. 

The most successful magazines during the time of intense competition from online media have been at the quality end of the market. The luxury brands which offer their audiences a 'lean back moment' as they sink into the glamorous world of their favourite glossy magazines.These magazines use the advantages of high quality photography 

Class; equal share of middle class and working class readers

Dave 42, would be appealed to this cover for a few different reasons, firstly Dave was born in the late 70s meaning his nostalgic and childhood music would have been from the 80s, such as the smiths, the Beatles ect.


Personal identity



Social interaction 


The media language of this cover appeals to both genders because the colours on the poster are stereotypically mutual by using yellow and not pink or blue which are usually associated with gender. Some of the media language used is appealing to females such as the picture of Drake as he is a handsome man with high status and also Drake is recognised world wide so people will be drawn in by seeing him wether its a male or female. 

Cultured - Violin - Classical (talent + skill)

Masthead - script type - traditional, elegant + higher class. 

Red - educated cultured - Red = love/passion for music 

language + reader well educated 

The media language targets an audience of people from any generation as they have used madonna as the person on the front cover and she is recognised world wide and has been singing for decades, she is represented as slightly gothic and rebellious which can have link to personal identity as she is expressing how she feels through looks,


LO to explore the appeal of Mojo magazines to its target audience. 

The reading of a magazine is an active choice from a person 

Uses & Gratification 

Information: Music magazines offer 

Entertainment: music magazines offer a range of entertainment pleasures such as comedy, gossip, free gifts, striking visuals and attractive stars. 

Social interaction 

Music magazines offer news and gossip that might from the basis of life.

Personal identity



Social interaction

LO to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique 


2. bbc

3.Broadcasting which is for the benefit of the public

4. Own radio and magazines

5. Conglomerate 

Question 2

Radio stations can meet the requirements of public service broadcasting is by having a target audience of 15-29 and they do this by having younger presenters


Do now

P - Female role model, Sophisticated 

I - Reviews of music, Exclusive interviews

E - CD (free music)

S - Reviews, CD 

Question 2 

LO: to understand exam style questions and exam technique.

Magazines attract their audience by putting a lot of information and the context of the magazine on the front cover, also big magazine companies such as MOJO put massive music stars on the front of theirs and if they have very well recognised music stars in the front cover many people will be interested in the magazine. Also Mojo put things on the front cover which can be entertaining and interactive with the audience such as a CD which the audience can use and actually interact with the magazine.  4/4

Narrative: Linear narrative, played by actors

American high school, gyms, hallways, stairs

Rep - school bully ' jock ', nerd, looser 

Lighting - dim 

Narrative; performance 

American city - Urban - Sky scrapers 

Rep - White, More males surrounding her, friends, challenges gender stereotypes, she is in charge, rebellious. 

Media language; 

Mise en scene 


Do now:

1. The different camera work, Mise en scene,  

2. Companies that produce something

3. The person or people looking at the media

4. How different types of people are represented 

5. The situation or what is going on at that time. 

Q3: Explain how and why music videos create representations that are different from one another. Refer to one example of contrasting representation in two music videos you have studied to support your answer. 

Teenage dirtbag

Jocks - popular, respected, confident, 'rule' the school, slow mo - long shot of jocks, students move out the way

Looser - wears strange hat, lots of layers, eating alone at lunch

Popular - Camera - close up on her face + her smiling, slow mo to emphasise her importance

Sk8ter Boi

Group of teens - Rebellious, illegal - graffiti, cars - nonchalant 

Avril Levigne - leader, female surrounded by boys, respected, listened to. low angle shot, camera on her

Music videos create representations that are different from one another by using Media language, for example the representation created in teenage dirtbag are different to how representation is used in Sk8ter boi. In teenage dirtbag they represent different stereotypes of people in the school, such as the 'Jocks' are represented to be popular, respected and confident. They show this by showing students moving out the way to make way for the "Jocks". Contrasting to this, In sk8ter boi they use representation slightly differently as  stereotypes are challenged, for instance Avril levigne is respected by all the boys with her and is shown to almost have control of them which does not go with the stereotypical girl


Do now

1. Mise en scene is the different ways things are presented to create an understanding 

2. Editing is changing things 

3. Camera work is the ways the camera is being used, angles and movements used

4. Sound is the noise, diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound, music, ambient sound

5. Narrative is the linear story, performance, story non-linear narrative

LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q4 focusing on media language and representation 

 Analyse the representations of musicians in the extract from MOJO Magazine.

The representation of musicians in this extract is made to represent them as dark, mysterious and quite unhappy, this is done by using things such as camerawork using a mid-close up shot to show the expression of the main musician on the cover. Also the colouring represents these things aswell, the black and white presents the mysterious and dark idea. 

Analyse the representation of age or gender in the extracts from MOJO magazine.

The representation of age from this magazine is used by having a middle-aged man with a very confrontational look, and a very serious expression. This represents middle aged men as confrontational and serious, another way this is done is not just by his age but by the colouring, its in black and white which is another factor to why he comes across like that, he is seen is dark and also half of his face is dark which also can give him this serious quite intimidating look. Another way the representation of age makes him seem like this is because it makes the man look mature and wise.

Do now                                                                                                                                         31/10/23

1. Shot type is the way the camera is used 

2. Typeface is The design style of the text

3. Colour palette is the use of different colours 

4. Lexis is The words that are used in the cover lines

5. A masthead is the The name of the magazine

L/O; to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation 

15 marks.

Judge + conclude 

Context - what is going on in the world at the time

Gender, sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity, consumerism

1. Cluttered

2.Suggests there is a lot of information in the magazine


4.Pink colours, stereotypical to females

1.The layout is ordered

2.This suggests the magazine is quite formal with alot of information

3.The colour palette is quite muted

4.The choice of colour suggests its simple with formal information

The text is mainly sans serif font. The choice of the sans serif font suggests the bald nature of the magazine, it also suggests a modern twist to the magazine with up to date style and therefore up to date music for the audience. The use of muted colour palette in the main cover image is shown, this reflects the realism that the magazine is trying to promote in the music and the artist, making them appear natural and everyday. 


Do now

Baby boomer is a person born in the years following ww2

diversification means the process of varying products 

audience address is how the text speaks to the audience

discerning means having or showing good judgement 

house style means a company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material 

15 marks = minutes 

How far 


Context; Life at the time, changes in gender roles-more equality. attitudes to sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism 0 



The media language in the two magazines are used completely differently. Firstly, they are opposite genders, presented in different ways. Shakira is presented as powerful, wealthy like a greek Goddess whilst also sexualising her at the same time as she is wearing revealing clothes

In the other magazine of the Beatles, they are also presented as powerful and wealthy however not so sexualised just smart and formal, this completely juxtaposes the way the woman is presented. Another way is the layout of the magazines.

In the Shakira magazine, she is presented quite neatly and organised, linking back the emphasis on her power and wealth. The magazine containing the Beatles is a cluttered magazine layout, Which contrasts the formal, smart image they represented the males as. 

The media language is used differently in the two magazine covers, because of the generic convention of the magazine and the audience appeal. The mastheads on the two magazines are clearly different. Billboard uses lower cases letters, yellow, sans serif type. The use of the lower case gives a sense of informality and    



  1. 19/9- Please complete the question on music videos.

  2. 10/10- Great start in your analysis. T: 2.Give examples from the text using media language terminology.

  3. 21/11- Read your work in the lesson very good. T: Please up date throughout the lesson and get me to check before logging off so that you don't lose work.


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