lego movie

 15th september 2022

1. An ordinary construction worker sees something and follows it then he sees a character called wyldstyle and he follows her into a tunnel chasing after her then he realises he's the chosen one, then he has to defeat president business who was trying to destroy the world. 

2. teamwork, and creativity

3. characters 

there is DC characters in the film such as batman, superman ect, there is also some famous real people dead or alive such as, shakespeare, abraham lincon and also star wars characters

How long is The LEGO Movie Videogame? research

L/O to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry 

1. Film Production is created in 5 phases: development, pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution. Each phase has a different purpose, with the overarching goal to get to the next one, and ultimately on to distribution. Each stage varies in length, and different roles suit different stages

The Distribution process consists of making a movie available to the public, and the financial success of a film is how it is distributed and marketed. A movie that is never distributed will not recoup costs and a movie that is distributed poorly may not recoup costs or generate profits.

Exhibition is the retail branch of the film industry. It involves not the production or the distribution of motion pictures, but their public screening, usually for paying customers in a site devoted to such screenings, the movie theater.

2.  A media conglomerate, media group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.rmally by age rating)

3. The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release.

4. U

5. Video game ratings are mandatory under UK law. The Games Rating Authority (GRA) – which is part of the Video Standards Council – rates games using the PEGI system.



   1 classify products (normally by age rating )

   2. ensures content of products meets acceptable standards. 

This is the directors of lego movie: 

 This is the rating of the lego movie: This game has received a PEGI 7 because it features non-realistic violence in a child-friendly setting or context and violence that lacks any apparent harm or injury to fantasy or mythical beings and creatures.

why is it important that film regulations to exist: they exist because they protect children and venerable adults to explicit content.

i think that some people might not like age regulations because some people are more mature then others and they might not be able to watch it.

Narrative theory 
LO: to explore the narrative & apply narrative theory 


The hero: emmet 
The villain: Lord business
The donor: vitruvius 
The helper: Wyldstyle 
The princess: Wyldstyle
The dispatcher: Vitruvius 
The princess' father: Batman 
The false hero: Batman 

Vertical integration

Vertical integration is when a company owns different companies that distribute and produced their films so they don't have to pay them since they own them.

It helps increase profit because they don't have to pay the other companies so they keep way more profit.

It makes the production process way more efficient since they don't need to negotiate, or sort out prices ect with other companies because they already own them. 

Target audience 

To identify the target audience using demographics and physchographics

it targets a family audience
1. children
2. adults/parents 

    For children it appeals because of lego and bright colours, 
for teenagers it appeals because they could have played it when they were younger.
For parents it appeals because of the famous actors in it and they might have played with lego. 

1: yes its got heart because its funny and has alot of different emotions shown in it, and it has alot of ups and downs in it that keeps the audience attatched. 

2. The theme of the movie is the difference between those who creates and those who build, trying to compare humans to the characters 

3.  It knows who its targeted to, to kids because of its humor and bright colours and because they might play with lego but also 

a tent pole production is a programme or film that supports the financial performance

Lego batman, Lego movie 2, Lego movie ninjago, 


The lego movie 

1.Warner brothers decided to have the logo made out of lego because the film is about lego.

2. They show the Warner Brothers logo at the beginning to show that the film is made by the warner brothers which is one of the best production companies in the world meaning that people will want to watch it more.  

Equilibrium - When emmit is on the sofa watching Tv
Disruption - Hes watching Tv and president business says you'll be put to sleep 

 Recognition of disruption - when emmit says "wait did he say put to sleep"

1. So that the rest of the trailer is the attempt to solve
2. Younger audience have a shorter attention span so they are more excited with the action bits. 


1.Because they are the main characters
2.That these are important locations in the film.
3.Because this shows they are important characters and suggests they are the good guys

1.It tells you about whats going on 
2.It gives effect to have more suspense and action 
3.Because it can tell us what the scene is going to be about or the feeling around it

1.It can have way more clips and scenes in the time.
2.This appeals to the parents
3.This creates a really dramatic effect

1. It helps convey a sense of genre by it being set in city which is often where action films are based
2. The colour palette is very bright because it attracts the young audience


The lego movie:poster campaign 
L/O. to analyse the representations on the poster campaign

Poster elements:
denotation; Its dark, connotation: could mean the film has a dark genre
denotation; he's holding a knife, connotation; this suggests death or violence
denotation;He is wearing a suit, connotation;  to him maybe being a man with money or quite sophisticated.
denotation; He has a serious/angry looking expression, connotation; This suggests he could be a angry or serious character.
It says "killer looks" on the front which amplifies the look on his face making it seem even more intimidating making the audience realise the film is quite clearly about a killer who is a serious angry character but also seems quite rich as he is in a suit and the background colours give off a dark but also sophisticated look. Aldo the dark theme of the poster and how he is in a shadow gives him a mysterious vibe and you can almost tell what kind of character he is by just looking at the poster. 

Lego movie video game
 This cover is aimed at 7+ year olds so it has a lot of bright colours and because its lego a kids toy thats very popular aiming seven year olds they're going to be appealed to it. They highlight all the good guys and hero's and put them at the front where as the villains are at the back this shows that the hero's are superior to them this will also grab kids attention. Also because on the poster it has the warner brothers logo this ill tell people the game must be quite good as the warner brothers are such a big and good producing company. Batman is also in the back which will attract a lot of people since there might be a lot of people who like Batman and will see this and play it just for that reason. Also the lego movie logo would have attracted people because when the poster was realised it was before the movie came out so people might want to get the game to see what the movie is about or who's in it.

In the Lego Movie poster,  There is Batman, He is made to look obvious to target a larger audience, this will get a larger audience since people who like Batman will want to watch this now, and as batman has a massive audience it will attract a lot of people. 
Emmet has connotations to comedy as he looks very scared with the expression on his face when he has people like batman around him who don't look scared. This can attract an audience as people might want to. Also president business is there and he looks evil and as they are running away from him and with the red colour palette coming from him it shows that he is evil and the audience can tell that emmet and the characters in the front is quite easy to see they are hero's 

Lego movie analysis dirt 

THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer GAME COVER ANALYSIS: WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: explain which specific part of the audience each element would appeal to. 

The lego movie:Representations 
L/O to analyse the representations throughout The lego movie promotional campaign

The Lego movie

Type of media                                            



Film - BBFS
Tv & Radio - OFCOM
Advertising - ASA
Magazines and newspapers - IPSO & IMPRESS

Target audience - Family
1. Young kids who play with lego
2. Parents of those kids used to play with lego
3.Young cinema goers (15-25) 

uses and gratifications 
Personal identity - Relate to the characters 
Information - Gain information and an understanding
Entertainment - Enjoyment of escaping the 'real world' for a while and going into the                                      fictional world of a film or a game.
Social - the video game can be played with friends 

Film poster 
Genre - action, from the explosion
           - comedy, emmets face 
           - romance, Wildstyle and emmet 

Intertextuality - batman, green lantern, wonder woman, super man

Stereotypes - Lord B + V =Old - wrinkles, serious, shouting 
                      Wyldstyle = Feminine = make up + hair
                       Clothes + action break stereotypes black tracksuits + fights

1st advert - Heart foundation 
2nd advert -
3rd advert - BT broadband
4th advert - Premier Inn  

Do now
Film - BBFC
Tv & Radio - OFCOM
Advertising - ASA
Magazines & Newspapers -  
Video games - Video standuars council

Target audience - Young kids who play with lego, Parents who used to play with lego, young cinema goers.
Social interaction 

Personal identity - identify with emmet, average guy  
Information - Children can see individuals can make a different to the world through their actors 
Entertainment - escapism 
Social interaction = talk about it 
Genre = action film based in the city and includes police 

Media language 
Print poster: Outfits, colour palette 
Moving image: mise en scene, sound, editing, camera
Editing - quick editing to create a feeling of action 
Video game trailer, 

Lego movie trailer
There is a narrative, emmet is seen as anti stereotypical.

1. The Tv marketing campaign was an advert on car insurance
2. Because it had characters in it talking in a young persons dialect
3.It broke boundaries because it the advert was unique and informal




  1. Great notes so far Alex. Keep this up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer

    WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal
    EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS

    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: explain which specific part of the audience each element would appeal to


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