media language analysis


L.O: To analyse a media text using Media langauge. 

They would have used this camera shot to show his expressions and things like his gun

The watch he is wearing suggests he is of a certain class and is wealthy, the gun shows violence and also shows that he is a killer

Diegetic sounds

Gun shots, car engine,  car tyres, punching, explosions

The pace of the cuts get faster to give more tension to the trailer aswell as the music getting louder and faster making it more intense


it's a long shot to show the moon and the characters in one photo, the boy is wearing what looks like a cape or a coat on the bike maybe to show that he is flying. The setting is a clear stary night with the moon out. 

In the dune trailer camera work is used effectively to show the characters to get the audiences attention, for example in the scene where it shows a close up of the main characters face.   


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