Creating meaning

23th September 

LO; To analyse texts using the correct terminoligy.

Subject posotion

our subject position is everything that goes to make up what we are and where we fit in the world.

My subject position is a 13 year old male, white, straight, play football, lives in cornwall, half polish.

    Football and fashion fans may see this interesting as its rashford on a vogue cover, fashion fans will judge the fashion.

Non football or fashion fans would see this as something they are not interested in.


the dictionary definition


the deeper meaning of the word

1, Gun, denotes: weapon that shoots bullets. Connotations: it can mean death, conflict, violence

2. Clown, denotes: entertainer in costume who makes people laugh. Connatations: they can be made out to be scary, 

3. Thor, denotes: viking god of thunder, Connatations: film character, is brave, 


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